Places still available for Halifax to Bradford fundraiser
In 2014, they raised £2,000, in 2015 it was £7,000, and now, with just weeks to go until the 2016 Halifax to Bradford charity run, the organising team are hoping to break all records and smash their five-figure target.
Open to all ages and abilities, the Islamic Relief-backed run challenges fundraisers to pound the pavement in the name of charity, running, jogging or walking the near 10km distance.
Set up two years ago by 32-year-old Khalifa Mughal, from Halifax, the run initially raised funds solely for Islamic Relief.
This year, funds will be shared between that cause and the British Red Cross with all funds going towards projects helping children around the world.
Khalifa said: “The run this year is a childrens appeal. Basically this year we will be helping the children all across the board, from Syria Palestine and the refugee camps to here in the UK.
“Children know nothing of the ugliness life can have. They know nothing of politics and so forth, and there are a lot of them out there who need help and we just want to do what we can.
The run takes place on Sunday 28th February with runners setting off from Halifax town centre en route to Centenary Square, in Bradford.
Children as young as seven-years-old through to 70 will be taking part in the race with Khalifa’s grandad once again signed up for the hilly challenge.
“It will be the third year my grandad will have done the run which is really good going,” Khalifa added. “He’s told me he won’t be using his bus pass this year so that will be good.”
The event has grown in popularity every year since its conception and has such become an annual event on the Islamic Relief fundraising calendar.
With the aim of smashing their previous fundraising goals, Khalifa said he was hoping to help as many children as possible.
“The more we make the merrier, but it’s not all about hitting targets for me,” he said. “It’s all about making a conscious effort and doing as much as we can to help.
“As long as we raise money to help the children who need it most, I will be happy.”
If you would like to take part in the Halifax to Bradford run later this month, please contact Khalifa directly on 07772 502543 or visit www.fundraise.islamic-relief.org.uk/event/HalifaxtoBradford
Runners are asked to attempt to raise £150 in sponsorship with all who sign up in advance receiving a free personalised hoodie and medal at the finish line.