Pupils at St Matthew’s CE Primary in Bradford took part in a ‘role reversal’ this past week by applauding their mums for doing well in their exams at school.
The pupils watched with pride as around 60 mums were presented with certificates for completing courses at the school which will help them assist their children with homework and give them a step up the employment ladder.
A total of 100 mums gained certificates yet not all were able to attend.
The mums were presented with certificates for passing a variety of exams by Diane Lock who is the school’s Parental Involvement Officer.
They passed courses in Functional Skills in maths and English, which will prepare some of them to gain GCSEs at college, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Hairstyling, Life in the UK – which explains the requirements of the Life in the UK test, and Health Awareness – which helps them choose healthier lifestyles for their families and the wider community.