“If we didn’t have trees we would not be alive,” says seven-year-old Ashwin Singh
Little green fingers have been helping to plant trees in partnership with the Forest of Bradford over the years.
This years season was kicked off by youngsters as young as five-years-old, from the Sant Nirankari Mission, who helped plant 1000 trees.
Volunteers got their spades out on the first tree-planting job of the year on Saturday 21st January at Long Bridge Farm in Silsden.
Some in the group are regular tree-planting volunteers, who despite the cold freezing wintry weather conditions, give up their Saturday morning-lie in to do their little bit for the environment.
Eager little seven-year-old Ashwin Singh who loved the planting says he understands the importance of tress. “I like tree planting because the trees give you oxygen and they also give you fruit. If we didn’t have trees we would not be alive,” he says.
Aman Chahal, also aged seven, commented that he enjoys the outdoors and this particular activity meant he got to do the one thing he loves the most – spend time with his grandfather.
Regular planting-enthusiast 12-year-old Ariyan Virdee, aged 12 said: “I enjoy doing the tree planting, it helps our future and improves the environment.
“It was very cold, but the digging helps us warm up. I like the fresh air and lovely scenic views.”
This year, the Forest of Bradford is looking to at planting 12,000 tress and volunteers from the Sant Nirankari Mission say that they hope to be able to help plant half the total, if not more.
Giving back to the community is one of the initiatives that the Volunteers from the Sant Nirankari Mission faith group adhere to, as well as cleanliness drives, raising funds for charities and giving blood.
Volunteer in charge, Mohinder Ram said ” It is great to see such enthusiasm from everyone especially the youngsters. They give up their comforts to come out and plant trees, and really enjoy it.
“One of the boys missed his uncle’s party so he could come tree planting with his grandad!
“It is a greatly satisfying partnership that we have with the Forest of Bradford.”