Students at The Grammar School at Leeds (GSAL) have won coveted places at leading universities with a string of top grades on A-level results day.
Fahd Omar has a place to study economics at St John’s College, Cambridge, after achieving four straight A*s in biology, chemistry, maths and further maths. With A* in Latin and As in biology and French, Disha Anand is heading to Oxford to study law with French law at Brasenose College.
Disha said: “I’m so happy to realise my goal of studying at Oxford. It will be a completely new experience unlike anything I’ve done before.
“I’ve always wanted to study law and this course allows me to keep up my French language as well with a year in France.”
Aditya Tambe and Dhaval Sethi, who received his results whilst away in India, achieved matching sets of four A*s in chemistry, physics, maths and further maths.
Aditya has a place at Imperial College London for mechanical engineering and Dhaval has a place to study economics at University College London.

A third of students at The Grammar School at Leeds (GSAL) achieved all their A-levels at A*or A grades. Sixty students celebrated top marks as they picked up their grades, with 16 scooping three or more straight A*s.
Of the 16 who swept the board with the top grade, five students achieved four A*s and a further 11 achieved three A*s.
Principal Sue Woodroofe said: “This is the first cohort of students to take the more rigorous reformed A-levels and I’m delighted that a third of our students achieved straight A*/A grades and three-quarters of grades were A*-B.
“This is an excellent set of results and, thanks to the dedication and hard work of our students and staff, this impressive group of young people are well placed to enjoy continued success at university and beyond.”
In all, 54 per cent of the cohort achieved a minimum of ABB grades – the entry requirement of leading universities.
- 20 per cent – a fifth of this year’s grades – were passes at A*
- 50 per cent of grades at A*and A
- 74 per cent of grades at A*-B
- 9 Oxbridge places are confirmed