Byline: Javed Bashir

For almost three months mosques, churches and synagogues and other places of worship remained shut under government coronavirus rules.
As the Government has now relaxes rules, as from Monday 15 June places of worship will be permitted to open for individual prayer in line with social distancing guidelines.
There are many guidelines and procedures at play that need to be put in place.
Navigating what needs to be done can be challenging to many, so the government-backed organisation Strengthening Faith Institutions will be working with faith institutions in the district to help them through the process and create the safest environment for their congregation and guests.
The Strengthening Faith Institutions (SFI) have tailored-made a Covid-19 compliance officer training course designed for lead workers, and includes hygiene and respiratory arrangements, social distancing, close working, PPE and first aid.
It gives an overview of the ‘Return to Work Safely’ protocol in line with guidance issued by the Government. It sets out how to identify requirements, plan and implement processes and monitor adherence to the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and management of a suspected case.
This qualification is aimed at anyone working in any faith institute, supplementary school or out-of-school setting to develop their underpinning knowledge of how to prevent and control the spread of infection in their workplace.
Learners gaining this qualification will understand common infections, the importance of correct hand washing procedures for infection prevention and control, the principles of personal protective equipment, waste management procedures and the associated risk and roles and responsibilities in preventing infection.
We will also help faith leaders to carry out a risk assessment of the place of worship and tailor this guidance as appropriate for the venue and practices being carried out. This will be in addition to any risk assessment already in place.
The course begins from Monday 22nd June at 2pm, Tuesday 23rd June at 11am and Thursday 25th June at 8pm.