Kala Sangam, Bradford’s Arts Centre, has been awarded £61,500 as part of the second round of the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund (CRF).
This money will cover core costs and protect the future of the city centre arts venue, which has been closed to the public for over a year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown restrictions.
The money will also support a further round of Kala Sangam’s Back to the Studio programme, which has been helping freelance dancers and performers restart their creative practise after a year away from the studio. So far, the scheme has provided 26 individuals with financial support to cover living expenses and a week of no pressure studio time.
Alex Croft, Creative Director of Kala Sangam said: “We are all breathing a huge sigh of relieve today. This Culture Recovery Funding will not only cover our core costs, but will allow us to continue to offering vital support to the freelance sector – many of whom lost all their income over 12 months ago.
“We can now confidently start to plan for reopening to the public again safely, programming performances, providing meeting room space and supporting The Rooftop Café to start serving delicious food and drink again.
“Like so many arts organisations, lockdown restrictions meant we have been unable to put on any performances for over a year, but we also lost almost all of our commercial hire income so we are very grateful to have received Culture Recovery Fund money.
“We can’t wait to be able to welcome audiences and visitors back to Kala Sangam to see and experience great art and culture.”

The Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery fund was announced last year to support cinemas, performance venues, museums, heritage sites and other cultural organisations dealing with the immediate challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.
In the first round, announced in October 2020, Kala Sangam received £123,000. The second round of awards made today will help organisations, like Kala Sangam, to look ahead to the spring and summer and plan for reopening and recovery.
Kala Sangam will be gradually reopening to the public over the coming months, with the Rooftop Café planning to reopen in May.