SKT Welfare has provided clean water to 8,276,900 vulnerable people, distributed winter packs to 600,501 individuals, and treated 661,382 patients.

SKT Welfare, a sector leader in the battle against poverty, continues to make remarkable strides in empowering individuals and communities across the globe.
Since its establishment in 2009, SKT Welfare has provided humanitarian assistance to millions of people, offering sustainable solutions that address critical needs.
In the year 2021-22 alone, the organisation supported and reached an impressive 2,121,055 beneficiaries in 14 countries, further solidifying its reputation as a beacon of hope.
With an unwavering commitment to delivering impactful projects, SKT Welfare has successfully implemented a range of initiatives over the past decade. These projects encompass emergency relief, food aid, water and sanitation, healthcare, education, orphan care, and seasonal campaigns such as winter and Qurbani distributions.
The organisation’s efforts have extended to countries such as Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Bangladesh (specifically aiding Rohingya refugees), Somalia, and the United Kingdom. Notably, SKT Welfare emphasises the importance of addressing local needs.
Zakat Fund

In 2021, SKT Welfare recognised the pressing needs within the UK community, particularly among Muslim households facing poverty and deprivation. They established a Zakat Fund to address these challenges, with a special focus on supporting struggling families, students, and refugees.
Over £250,000 worth of food vouchers were issued, and we granted £80,000 to alleviate crushing debt burdens. SKT Welfare’s mission extends to supporting vulnerable communities within the UK and playing a significant role in tackling food poverty.
To further this cause, they are actively seeking partnerships with organisations that promote healthy eating, enabling families to make nutritious choices with their vouchers. SKT understands the profound impact of healthy eating on overall well-being and serve as a lifeline for many families, especially during school holiday periods.
Serving millions of people

Their remarkable Date Project, launched in 2019, has raised a staggering £1 million to support global humanitarian endeavours.
Led by dedicated volunteers, this fundraising initiative delivers ethically sourced dates to customers across the UK, generating vital funds for their cause.
Over the course of the last fourteen years, SKT Welfare has achieved significant milestones in its mission to alleviate suffering.
Notably, the organisation has provided clean water to 8,276,900 vulnerable people, distributed winter packs to 600,501 individuals, and treated 661,382 patients.
Moreover, a staggering 10,052,387 individuals have received freshly baked bread through SKT Welfare’s initiatives.
One distinguishing factor that sets SKT Welfare apart is its 100% donation policy, ensuring that every penny donated directly serves those in need.
The organisation covers its administrative and overhead costs through Gift Aid or direct donations, ensuring transparency and maximising the impact of every contribution. SKT Welfare’s commitment to transparency is further reinforced by the involvement of dedicated volunteers and experienced trustees overseeing project implementation.

The charity’s impact extends beyond meeting immediate needs; the organisation actively contributes to transformative climate change and sustainability efforts.
Recognising the dire conditions faced by displaced individuals in Syria, SKT Welfare’s CEO, Asif Hussain, identified an innovative solution during a visit to internally displaced persons (IDP) camps.
He realised that employing cost-effective, environmentally friendly building methods using sustainable and locally sourced materials could provide durable homes and community facilities, fostering a carbon-neutral community.
This visionary project, known as Safe Haven, aims to improve living conditions and preserve human dignity for beneficiaries, with a primary focus on shelter.
By constructing 1,500 homes across four village in Syria, with a fifth village currently under development, SKT Welfare is providing secure, comfortable spaces comprising two rooms, a courtyard, kitchen, washroom, and bathroom.
Additionally, the project includes crucial community and service facilities in the fields of education, health, water, and sanitation, benefitting an estimated 11,700 Syrian IDPs.
Each family receives a fully equipped house, along with a one-month supply of culturally appropriate food packs and winterisation items such as mattresses, blankets, fuels, clothing, and hygiene kits. Safe Haven villages also feature road infrastructure, solar power systems for electricity, hot water, streetlights, public WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) facilities, and access to safe drinking water.
Award-winning charity
SKT Welfare’s steadfast dedication to the people of Syria is commendable. This has been reaffirmed by their recent shortlisting at the Third Sector Awards 2023, in the Big Impact Award category.
While other charities shifted their focus to different emergencies, SKT Welfare remained on the ground, providing essential support and services. In 2018, the organisation reinvigorated its commitment to building safe haven homes, recognising the importance of secure and stable housing in restoring a sense of normalcy for refugees.
SKT Welfare’s pioneering efforts inspired other charities to follow suit, igniting a wave of attention and support for the plight of the Syrian people.
Driven by a passion to rebuild shattered lives, restore hope, and foster resilience, SKT Welfare’s impact extends far beyond its projects’ immediate scope. The organisation’s relentless pursuit of a brighter future is evident in its ability to overcome challenges, find innovative solutions, and effect lasting change.
With a firm belief that every individual deserves a safe and nurturing environment, SKT Welfare remains dedicated to empowering communities and uplifting those in need.
Through collaboration with donors and their communities, SKT Welfare continues to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by the Syrian crisis and beyond. By leveraging technological advancements to ensure transparency and cost-effectiveness, the organisation keeps donors informed and engaged. SKT Welfare stands at the forefront of humanitarian and development organisations, guided by a deep commitment to alleviating human suffering and finding sustainable solutions.
CEO Message – Asif Hussain

“As CEO of SKT Welfare, I am deeply proud of our dedicated team that works tirelessly to aid those most vulnerable and marginalised in our global community across 14 countries. Our mission—to alleviate suffering and provide the underprivileged with the tools to improve their circumstance (as we strive to create a more equitable world).
Guided by our firm belief in the value of every individual, we are dedicated to providing support, empowerment, and opportunities for those most in need.
SKT Welfare’s commitment goes beyond just meeting immediate needs; it extends to fostering long-term sustainability, development, and self-resilient projects. We strive to deliver aid and services with utmost respect, compassion, and transparency, without any discrimination.
Together, with our dedicated donors, we can create a brighter world, one where hope triumphs over despair, potential over adversity, and where dignity and human rights are upheld for all.”
To learn more about SKT Welfare’s impactful work or to contribute, please visit or call 0300 302 0786.