As part of his Yorkshire tour, famous vlogger Mo Vlogs made a visit to the county”s famous luxury Oud retailer, Scent Salim in Leeds.
Mo Vlogs met founder Ilyas Salim some years ago at a Dubai trade show, and has ever since been a fan of Scent Salim’s luxury ouds.
During his visit to Scent Salim in Roundhay Road, Mo Vlogs enjoyed the tour of the store, sampling premium ouds, and also bought few gifts for his friends.

He also congratulated Mr Ilyas Salim on his new book, ‘The Perfume Mindset’ – which is an informative guide to learning about the science of perfume and scent making.
Proud owner and fragrance enthusiast Ilyas Salim has been supplying the world’s finest scents and Oud’s since 2007 and prides the unique service his store provides.
Salim carefully procures the highest quality product from each brand to really ensure that fragrance is of the most premium quality and ensures first class service, making his customers feel like royalty.
The store attracts many VIP clients including footballers and high profile Asian artists. Scent Salim also has celebrity clientele from Pakistan and Middle Eastern countries, including the Habtoors family and the Dubai royal family.