With almost one-third of the population being Muslim, and as UK’s second largest proportion of people of Pakistani ethnic origin, business and community leaders are calling upon the people of Bradford, to protect the city’s unique and diverse structure with peace.
In a video, numerous community heads and established stakeholders of the city send out a united message of protecting Bradford by not being provoked into violence.
The 2001 Bradford riots caused utter devastation, both in physical damage to properties, but also gave rise to lack of trust and confidence between communities.
Sonny Ali, CEO Fairmount Properties, Bradford, says in the video message: “If you are 30 or younger, you may not even remember the devastation the riots caused in 2001 – our city was virtually on fire. The loss of confidence and lack of investment coming to this city is still evident today.”
Saleem Kader, Managing Director Bombay Stores Wholesale Group says: “It’s taken years to battle to regain its confidence, and today, we enjoy a level of multicultural harmony. It’s quite unique in the UK.

“Let’s not let outsiders come and ruin what we have here,” adds Nasreen Karim of Platinum Partnership Solicitors.

“If we do get rioters, or external visitors, please do not engage with them, and let the police do their job. You cannot allow a repeat of what has happened here in the past to reoccur again,” she adds.
“If others provoke us, let’s not fall into the trap of a violent reaction,” says Karl Oxford – director of Culture City Radio.
Most people in the UK are just normal, kind hearted, good natured human beings want the best for themselves, their families and their communities, explains Karl, also the vice chair of West and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce’s BAME Committee.
Dr Amjad Pervez, speaking to Asian Express says: “As someone deeply committed to community cohesion and the well-being of Bradford, I wholeheartedly echo the call to avoid any engagement with right-wing thugs or rioters.

“We’ve witnessed the destructive potential of such violence, and it’s crucial that we do everything in our power to prevent it from repeating in our city.
“Other cities across the UK have shown how powerful it can be when the silent majority mobilises peacefully alongside the police to counter the threats posed by right-wing, racist, and Islamophobic elements. This is exactly the approach we must take in Bradford. We need to unite, as one community, to protect our city from the potential harm that these rioters could cause.
“If we can peacefully march in our millions, rightly so, against injustices and genocides happening across the world, we can, and should do the same here in Bradford.”
Andleeb Hanif – Founding Partner & Managing Editor Asian Express Newspaper says: “I’m a proud Bradfordian – this is a city so incredibly unique – home to over 16,000 businesses, so many of them owned by Muslims, employing around 250,000 people and a combined turnover of over some £30 billion.

“I desperately urge the youth of Bradford to help keep our city, our people and our businesses safe from any far-right protests, and to not give into violent behaviour.
“Don’t allow anti-Muslim hate and Islamophobia provoke you into taking any illegal actions, let the police and the authorities do their jobs. Don’t give anyone any reason to say Bradfordians are hooligans and thugs. Preserve your image as a Muslim, and honour the image of your families – particularly the legacy of your elders who first came into this country to work, giving rise for us to better our lives.”