Counter-protests against the far right are taking place in 8 cities in Britain tomorrow, Saturday 28th September

Stand Up to Racism has called protests in London, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Swansea, Leeds, Derby, Nottingham and Ipswich in opposition to a far right group called “Unite the Kingdom”.

The group are using slogans associated with fascist Tommy Robinson, including “stop the boats”, “save our kids” and “unite the kingdom”.

In London, antiracist protesters will be gathering in Trafalgar Square from 12pm, where the far right is planning to meet.

The groups comprise of fascist elements, some of whom were involved in the far right riots over August.

In August, anti-fascist protests called by Stand Up to Racism and others pushed back the far right, but the danger remains.

Stand Up to Racism state: “On 26 October fascist Tommy Robinson is has called a national demonstration, and Stand Up to Racism has called a national counter protest in response. The protests will involve anti-racists, faith groups, trade unionists and others building unity against the far right.

“Tomorrow’s demonstrations are an important step in laying down a marker that the far right will be opposed – as will their racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism.”

Weyman Bennett, co-convenor of Stand Up to Racism said: “Fascist and far right groups see Nigel Farage and Reform UK talking their language – racism, Islamophobia and anti-migrant racism. We stopped them in August and tomorrow we will be on the streets to stop them again”.