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Tag: litigation

Fraudulent Claims: Coronavirus loan schemes under scrutiny

In a bid to reduce the devastating impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on UK businesses and in particular to Small to Medium...

LUKE PATEL: “Warehousing” not automatically an abuse of process

By Luke Patel Readers of this publication may recall the case of Asturion Foundation v Alibrahim from last...

No need to point out your opponent’s error

In the recent case of Woodward v Phoenix Healthcare Distribution Limited the Court of Appeal had to consider the issue of whether...

Kiss and Tell book banned

In the recent case of Bull v Desporte the High Court granted a lottery winner a permanent injunction preventing his former partner...

LEGAL ADVICE: Fraud Does Unravel All

Readers of Asian Express newspaper may recall the case of Takhar v Gracefield Developments Limited back in 2017 when the Court of Appeal refused...